Registering for an account is the first step towards accessing and enjoying the full range of features our platform has to offer. Before you create a new account, please ensure that you don't need to claim an existing account that may have been created by a tournament director from tournaments you've previously played. You can check if you already have an existing account here.
Once it has been verified that you do not need to claim an account, please follow these detailed steps to create your account quickly and efficiently, ensuring you're set up to start participating right away.
Step 1: Navigate to our homepage and click on the "Sign Up" button. This is your first step towards creating a new account where you will begin to input your personal details. If you are on the app you would need to click on "Sign up" and then "Create New Account".
Step 2: In the registration form, you’ll need to enter all required information to set up your account. Be attentive when adding your location; it should be formatted correctly, either as 'City, State' if you’re in the USA or 'City, Country' for international users. You must choose the location that is displayed by default according to the data filled in.
Step 3: Choose a secure password for your account. Enter your desired password and then type it again in the confirmation field to verify accuracy. It's crucial that both entries match to avoid access issues later on.
Step 4: After registering, you’ll receive a verification email. Click the verification link within this email to activate your account.
Step 5: Once you have verified your email, please go back to your account and click on "Already Verified." Completing this step is essential as it enables you to access all the platform's features without any restrictions.
By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to being an active member of our platform. If you encounter any issues during the sign-up process, don’t hesitate to submit a request to our support team.
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